Tasty recipe of red cabbage salad, roasted butternut squash and feta with lemon.

Looking for an original and nutritious recipe to impress your guests at a meal? Discover this recipe for a salad of red cabbage, roasted butternut and lemon feta, a delicious and easy to make dish. You will be captivated by its varied flavors that will awaken your taste buds thanks to the perfect combination of crunchy vegetables, creamy cheese, and the touches of acidity brought by the lemon.

Ingredients needed for the salad

To prepare this tasty salad, here are the ingredients you will need:

  • 1 red cabbage
  • 1 butternut
  • 200g of feta
  • The juice of a lemon
  • Some sprigs of parsley
  • A bit of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Pumpkin seeds (optional)
  • Some AOC Rocamadour (optional)

Preparation of roasted butternut

First of all, start by preheating your oven to 180°C. While it’s warming, cut the butternut squash in half lengthways and scoop out the seeds with a spoon. Carefully peel it and cut the flesh into small cubes. Place the chopped butternut onto a baking tray lined with parchment paper, drizzle with a bit of olive oil, and season with salt and pepper. Bake and let cook for around 40 minutes, until the butternut cubes are tender and slightly golden. Allow the butternut pieces to cool down before incorporating them into the salad.

Preparing Red Cabbage

While the butternut is baking in the oven, take care of the red cabbage. Start by removing the damaged outer leaves and cut the cabbage into four. Remove the core and slice each quarter finely. Then rinse the red cabbage strips under cold water and drain them well with a clean towel or a salad spinner.

©Matilda Bellman

Salad Assembly: Red cabbage, roasted butternut and lemon feta

In a large salad bowl, gently mix the red cabbage with the roasted butternut pieces. Then crumble the feta over the mixture and add the lemon juice to give the salad a tangy touch. Don’t hesitate to adjust the amount according to your taste and the size of your lemon. Add salt and pepper lightly (since the feta is already salty).

Mix everything well and arrange the salad in a beautiful serving dish. Sprinkle with pumpkin seeds to add crunch to the salad, as well as a few sprigs of fresh parsley for an additional touch of green.

Variations of this recipe

This recipe for red cabbage salad, roasted butternut squash and lemon feta can be customized according to your desires and the ingredients you have:

Add some AOC Rocamadour

The AOC rocamadour is a delicious goat cheese that pairs very well with vegetables. Do not hesitate to add a few pieces to your salad to give it even more character and creaminess.

Use color swatches

In order to make this salad even more colorful, use color swatches! Do not simply replace the red cabbage with green cabbage, but mix them together to create a real rainbow of flavors and textures.

Incorporate other vegetables

To vary the pleasures, you can add other vegetables to your salad, such as grated carrots, olives, or cherry tomatoes cut in half. You will thus obtain an even more delicious and complete salad.

By following these tips, you will easily make this original and delicious salad recipe, combining red cabbage, roasted butternut and lemon feta. A treat for the eyes and taste buds that will certainly seduce your guests and provoke their admiration!

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