Narcissistic pervert: recognizing the warning signs and freeing yourself from them

The term “narcissistic pervert” refers to a person who employs a variety of psychological manipulative and compulsive tactics to get what they want. Narcissistic perverts are very skilled at disguising their hidden intentions and motives, making it difficult to detect the warning signs. Here are some signs and ways to recognize and avoid them.

Signs that You are a Narcissistic Pervert

There are many signs that may indicate you are a narcissistic pervert. Some of the most common signs include:

  • Tendency to focus more on oneself : Narcissistic individuals tend to only think about themselves and to put their own needs and desires first. They may be incapable of seeing or understanding the impact of their actions on others.
  • Verbal and physical manipulation : Narcissistic perverts are known to use subtle manipulation techniques such as threats, pressure and blackmail to get what they want. They may also use physical violence to put pressure on others.
  • “Honeymoon” approach : Narcissistic abusers may initially show a genuine interest in their victim, but quickly switch to abuse. This honeymoon phase is often followed by a constant degradation of the relationship.
  • Denial: Narcissistic perverts can deny their actions or completely ignore their partner’s requests. They can also refuse to admit that there is a problem in the relationship.

How to avoid the behavior of a narcissistic pervert

Fortunately, there are ways to avoid falling into the trap of a narcissistic pervert. Here are some tips to help you avoid the trap of narcissistic perverts:

  • Do not fall into the manipulation game : When you are faced with a situation that seems to be influenced by manipulation, try to keep your cool and resist the temptation to engage in a dispute or power game. Try to remind yourself that the person is trying to control you and is attempting to manipulate you.
  • Ask for help if needed : If you feel you are involved in an abusive relationship with a narcissistic abuser, find the courage to ask for help. You can find valuable resources to help you manage the situation and take the necessary steps to protect your physical and psychological safety.
  • Learn to say no : One of the most important ways to avoid the manipulations of a narcissistic pervert is to learn to say no. By saying no to the demands made to you, you will strengthen your confidence in yourself and learn to protect yourself against abuse.
  • Talk about the problem : Communication is essential to get out of a relationship with a narcissistic pervert. Discuss openly with this person about how they treat you and clearly explain your boundaries. Also try to clarify what you expect from them and discuss the consequences if they do not respect your boundaries.


Narcissistic perverts are very skilled at concealing their manipulative behavior and hidden intentions, which makes detecting warning signs difficult. But by recognizing some of the signs and learning to say no, you can learn to protect yourself against abuse and put an end to the manipulation of a narcissistic pervert.

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