Permaculture for beginners: dive into the green revolution!

©Tania Malréchauffé/ Unsplash

Do you dream of a garden that is both aesthetic, ecological and productive? Look no further, discover permaculture, an innovative concept combining respect for nature and food production. In this practical guide, we explain the basics of permaculture and how to start your journey with this amazing project.

What is permaculture?

Permaculture is a philosophy for designing self-sufficient and sustainable agricultural systems, based on the observation and understanding of natural ecosystems. It aims to create productive gardens or crop spaces, while promoting biodiversity, recycling organic waste, and optimal use of local resources.

In other words, it’s about working with nature rather than against it, and thus rediscover a harmonious relationship between humans and our environment. Concretely, this involves practices such as:

  • The association of complementary plants (also called “guild farming”)
  • The creation of habitats promoting wildlife (nesting boxes, shelters for insects, etc.)
  • Managing water in an economical and ecological way
  • The production and use of compost or vegetable mulch
  • The use of local varieties adapted to the climate of the place

Why get involved in the permaculture project?

Adopting permaculture is above all a civic act in favor of more responsible agriculture. Indeed, our society is today confronted with many environmental challenges such as soil erosion, groundwater pollution, loss of biodiversity, or overexploitation of resources. In the face of these issues, permaculture offers a concrete and sustainable alternative, based on the following principles:

  • Take care of the Earth
  • Caring for human beings
  • Equitable sharing of resources

Beyond these ecological aspects, permaculture also offers many other advantages, including:

  1. A local and healthy food production, ensuring optimal traceability and minimizing pesticides and other harmful products for health.
  2. A pleasant and harmonious living environment, promoting well-being and contact with nature.
  3. The promotion of conviviality and social ties, through the exchange of skills, seeds or harvests between neighbours.
©Tania Malréchauffé/ Unsplash

How to start your green revolution with permaculture?

Permaculture is a vast field of expertise that can seem intimidating at first. But don’t panic, here are some tips to gently get started and discover this exciting adventure:

1. Observe and understand your environment

One of the keys to success in permaculture is careful observation of one’s local ecosystem: climate, type of soil, available resources, biodiversity, etc. Take the time to note the elements that seem important to you and identify the plant and animal species present on your site.

2. Train and learn

To acquire skills in permaculture, several options are available to you:

  • Read specialized books,
  • Follow training courses or workshops (online or in-person),
  • Join local permaculture groups to exchange tips and experiences.

3. Plan your project

Before plunging headlong into setting up their permaculture garden, it is appropriate to define their objectives and constraints:

  1. Determine what your goals are in terms of food production (mainly vegetable garden or also orchard).
  2. Consider the different areas in your garden and their respective functions (cultivation area, habitat area for wildlife, recreational area…).
  3. Also consider the layout of your space, taking into account factors such as sunlight, wind, slopes or even access routes.

4. Switch to practice

Once you have acquired enough knowledge and developed your plan, it only remains to take action:

  • Gradually arrange your space according to your plans, based on your material and temporal constraints,
  • Install diverse plantings, favoring native green spaces and beneficial associations between species,
  • Adopt sustainable and environmentally friendly practices, such as mulching, composting, or water conservation,
  • Do not hesitate to experiment and adjust your approach based on your successes, mistakes and discoveries.

In short, permaculture is a beautiful human and ecological adventure that is part of a global movement, a true green revolution! So, are you ready to get started? The path will be full of surprises, but each step made in this direction will contribute to shaping a better world for tomorrow.

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