Sustainably Transform Your Garden This Spring: 5 Green Ideas to Adopt!

First buds, first shoots… The garden is slowly resuming its spring quarters. At this pivotal time, it’s high time to put on your boots and gloves. While the first seedlings can be started in late February, indoors especially, it’s not too late once spring has set in.

If you’re not sure what you should plant, consider seeking advice from your local nursery or garden center. They can help you choose plants that are suitable for your region and season. Plants, seedlings, maintenance: here is a guide to good gardening practices at the dawn of the beautiful season.

Protect your garden from late frosts

The temperatures are getting milder in April, but the risk of frost is not ruled out. Be careful if you’ve protected your garden this winter…. If you have used an anti-freeze cover or a fabric, make sure to remove them during the early spring days to avoid overheating.

Keep mulches (bark, branches) at the foot of plants, remembering to ventilate them from time to time. This way you will prevent the soil from freezing and your plants from being damaged by the cold.

Hunt for weeds and moss

The first step is to get rid of weeds and moss, which will compete with your grass for water and nutrients. For this, the hoe is the excellent spring tool, although you can do it by hand.

In the vegetable garden or ornament garden, perennial plants and “weeds” grow noticeably. Remove these undesirables delicately (“weeding”) to make room for seedlings and flowering plants. 

Onions, asparagus, peas… and Mara des bois

It’s time to plant the first vegetables of the year using the seedlings, seeds, or rhizomes you have. The star vegetables to plant in April and May: eggplant, carrot, endive, white onion, beans, zucchini, radish… On the fruit side: the strawberry season is open.

So why not try the plants of the delicious Mara des bois? The harvest begins as early as May if the weather allows.

Lawns and rose bushes need your care

Your lawn and your rose bushes are the stars of your spring garden. They will need your care to stay green and beautiful all season long. To have a beautiful lawn at the beginning of summer, spring is the time to plant the seeds and feed them with fertilizer. Consider applying an anti-moss treatment against humidity.

In April, pruning the roses is imperative. The blooming depends on it. But that’s not all, a devastating insect attacks the sap of this plant in spring: the aphid. Water your rose bush with a nettle manure solution to deter this pest.

Finally, mow regularly. The frequency of mowing will depend on the growth of your lawn, but it is generally advised to do it every 10 to 15 days in the spring. Make sure to adjust the height of the blades so as not to damage the grass. As summer approaches, do not mow too short.

Do not let yourself be overrun by mushrooms

Mushrooms love moisture and shade. And springtime humidity favors the appearance of mushrooms on all plants: flowers, young plants, fruit trees. To prevent them, it is essential to space your plants so that air can circulate between them.

Remove all affected leaves and dispose of them carefully to avoid spreading the disease. To remedy this, spray (moderately) with Bordeaux mixture, an effective antifungal solution based on copper sulfate.

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