Planning your garden for the year: the keys to a successful planting calendar

February 15, 2024 - #garden

Planning your ornamental garden requires a bit of thought and organization, but the result is worth it: a burst of colors and life throughout the year. Here are my tips, from gardener to gardener, for developing a planting schedule that will transform your garden into a haven of seasonal beauty.

Know your garden

The first step is to know your garden well: its exposure, its type of soil, its areas of shade and light. Each plant has its preferences, and their success will depend on the match between these conditions and their needs. Take the time to observe your garden at different times of the day and year to understand where and when the sun shines.

Select plants according to the seasons

The idea is to have a succession of blooms throughout the year. For this, select plants that flower at different times:

  • Spring: Bulbs like tulips, daffodils, and crocuses. Also consider shrubs like forsythia or ornamental cherry.
  • Summer: Perennials such as lupins, lavenders, or daylilies. Roses and hydrangeas also bring a beautiful presence.
  • Autumn: Shrubs with flamboyant colors like the rhus (Virginia sumac) and late-blooming perennials like asters.
  • Winter: Evergreen and structuring plants, such as conifers, or berry shrubs like pyracantha.

Plan the plantings

Once you have made your selection, create a planting calendar. This will help you know what to plant and when:

  • Autumn: This is the ideal time to plant spring bulbs, as well as many shrubs and perennials, taking advantage of the still warm soil.
  • Spring: Ideal time to plant the majority of perennials and summer annuals, once the risk of frost has passed.
  • Summer: A quieter period, ideal for planning and preparing the ground for autumn plantings.
  • Winter: The time to plant some trees and shrubs with bare roots, which will be well established by the return of good weather.

Integrate Annuals for Continuous Colors

Annual plants are perfect for filling gaps and providing instant splashes of color. Incorporate them into your flower beds to ensure continuous blooming between the resting periods of perennials and shrubs.

The Importance of Composting

Don’t forget to enrich your soil with compost at the time of planting and with mulch to protect your plants in winter. A well-nourished soil is the key to a flourishing garden.

Keeping a garden journal

Note what works and what does not, the planting dates, and observations throughout the seasons. This will become an invaluable resource for the years to come.

Planning your ornamental garden is a joyful process that connects us to the earth and the cycles of nature. By following these steps, you are not only creating a beautiful garden but also a refuge for local biodiversity. Patience, observation, and adaptation are your best allies in this beautiful adventure.

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