Why are trendy diets dangerous? Revelations from a nutritionist

Slimming diets have always existed, and they continue to gain popularity day by day. However, some of these diets, called fad diets, can be dangerous for our health. A nutritionist explains why.

Results of little interest in the long term

Most people who follow a trendy diet are looking for a quick weight loss. However, this weight loss is usually not sustainable in the long term. Indeed, according to some research, about 80% of people who have lost weight thanks to a trendy diet regain all or part of the lost weight within two years following.

Risks of Nutrient Deficiencies

Many trendy diets favor the exclusion of certain food groups or are very low in calories. These methods can lead to severe caloric restriction and cause deficiencies in nutrients essential for the body’s proper functioning. For example, insufficient protein intake can lead to a loss of muscle mass, while diets too low in fats can cause hormonal and fertility problems.

Eating Behavior Disorders

Trendy diets can also promote the development of eating disorders, such as orthorexia (obsession with healthy eating) or bulimia (compulsive and uncontrolled ingestion of food followed by purging). This type of disorder can have disastrous consequences on the physical and mental health of the individuals concerned.

The best exclusion diets: limited beneficial effects

Some people may obtain positive results by following a specific exclusion diet, such as the gluten-free diet for people with celiac disease. However, these beneficial effects are often limited to people who actually have an intolerance or allergy to the excluded food. For others, the complete elimination of a food group can lead to nutritional deficiencies.

Fat Loss VS Muscle Loss

When a person is seeking weight loss, their main goal is usually to lose fat mass. However, some fad diets, particularly those that favor severe calorie restriction, can cause a loss of muscle mass instead of the desired fat loss. This is due to the fact that, in a situation of energy shortage, the body uses the muscle’s proteins to produce energy rather than drawing on its fat reserves.

Low in Calories, but High in Risks

Trendy diets are often very low in calories and promise quick weight loss. However, this sudden slimming is usually the result of a loss of muscle mass rather than actual fat loss. In addition, these diets can lead to deficiencies in essential nutrients, thereby increasing the risk of diseases and health problems.

Risks of Energy Deficits

Insufficient calorie intake can cause a significant energy deficit, leading to fatigue, concentration difficulties and a decrease in immunity. In the long term, this can also lead to the onset of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes or osteoporosis.

Dedemonized Fats: Not as Bad as They Seem

Many trendy diets encourage the total elimination of fats from the diet. However, it is important to remember that not all fats are bad for health. Omega-3 fatty acids, for example, have beneficial effects on the heart, brain, and vision. Therefore, a too severe restriction of fats can be harmful in the long term.

Caloric restriction: a hardly sustainable solution

If caloric restriction can allow for quick weight loss, this method is generally not effective in the long term. Indeed, individuals who have followed a low-calorie diet tend to quickly regain weight once they resume their usual dietary habits. In addition, caloric restriction can lead to nutrient deficiencies and health problems.

Favor a balanced approach

Rather than following a potentially dangerous trendy diet, it is better to adopt a balanced approach to losing weight and maintaining good health. This involves consuming a variety of foods from the different food groups, while respecting individual energy and nutritional needs. Regular physical activity and sufficient sleep are also essential for promoting a healthy lifestyle.

  • Promote a diversified diet: It is important to include in your plate foods from all food groups: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fruits and vegetables.
  • Adjusting calorie intake: To lose weight in a sustainable way, it is recommended to gradually reduce daily calorie intake without falling into extreme restriction.
  • Practice regular physical activity: Exercise not only allows you to burn calories but also to strengthen muscles and improve cardiovascular health.
  • Respecting one’s energy and nutritional needs: Each individual is unique and requires a specific nutrient intake to function properly. It is essential to take these needs into account when designing a diet plan.

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